
A case for an open customizable cloud network


Cloud computing is transforming networking landscape over the last few years. The first order of business for major cloud providers today is to attract as many organizations as possible to their own clouds. To that end cloud providers offer a new generation of managed network solutions to connect the premises of the enterprises to their clouds. To serve their customers better and to innovate fast, major cloud providers are currently on the route to building their own "private Internets", which are idiosyncratic. On the other hand, customers that do not want to stay locked by vendors and who want flexibility in using best-for-the-task services spanning multiple clouds and, possibly, their own premises, seek for solutions that will provide smart overlay connectivity across clouds. The result of these developments is a multiplication of closed idiosyncratic solutions rather than an open standardized ecosystem. In this editorial note we argue for desirability of such an ecosystem, outline the main requirements and sketch possible solutions. We focus on enterprise as our primary use case and illustrate the main ideas through it, but the same principles apply to various different use cases.
