
A Grouping Approach for Succinct Dynamic Dictionary Matching


In this work, we focus on building an efficient succinct dynamic dictionary that significantly improves the query time of the current best known results. The algorithm that we propose suffers from only a O((log log n) 2) multiplicative slowdown in its query time and a O(1ϵlogn) slowdown for insertion and deletion operations, where n is the sum of all of the patterns’ lengths, the size of the alphabet is polylog(n) and ϵ∈ (0 , 1). For general alphabet the query time is O((log log n) log σ) , where σ is the size of the alphabet. A byproduct of this paper is an Aho-Corasick automaton that can be constructed with only a compact working space, which is the first of its type to the best of our knowledge.
