ISWC 2008
Conference paper

A system to enable relational persistence and Semantic Web style access simultaneously for objects


Object Oriented (OO) programming is dominant in the current software development. Starting from the design of OO models for applications, developers also expect to address issues on the data of models and the semantics of models. Objects, being the data of models, could be stored in relational databases, and ontologies appear as a good candidate for capturing the semantics of models. This poster presents a method and system which elegantly generates relational schema, OWL ontology, and semantic mapping between them, for any given OO model. The resulting relational schema serves for storing objects that are defined in the input OO model, the resulting OWL ontology is assured by a semantically "close" model transformation, and the generated automation mapping between them enables relational persistence and Semantic Web style access simultaneously for objects.



ISWC 2008


