
An optimization framework for embedded processors with auto-addressing mode


Modern embedded processors with dedicated address generation unit support memory accesses through auto-increment/decrement addressing mode. The auto-increment/decrement mode, if properly utilized, can save address arithmetic instructions, reduce static and dynamic memory footprint of the program, and speed up the execution as well. Liao [1995, 1996] categorized this problem as Simple Offset Assignment (SOA) and General Offset Assignment (GOA), which involves storage layout of variables and assignment of address registers, respectively, proposing several heuristic solutions. This article proposes a new direction for investigating the solution space of the problem. The general idea [Zhuang 2003] is to perform simplification of the underlying access graph through coalescence of the memory locations of program variables. A comprehensive framework is proposed including coalescence-based offset assignment and post/pre-optimization. Variables not interfering with others (not simultaneously live at any program point) can be coalesced into the same memory location. Coalescing allows simplifications of the access graph yielding better SOA solutions; it also reduces the address register pressure to such low values that some GOA solutions become optimal. Moreover, it can reduce the memory footprint both statically and at runtime for stack variables. Our second optimization (post/pre-optimization) considers both post- and pre-modification mode for optimizing code across basic blocks, which makes it useful. Making use of both addressing modes further reduces SOA/GOA cost and our post/pre-optimization phase is optimal in selecting post or pre mode after variable offsets have been determined. We have shown the advantages of our framework over previous approaches to capture more opportunities to reduce both stack size and SOA/GOA cost, leading to more speedup. © 2010 ACM.
