Conference paper

CERBERO: Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments


Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are embedded computational collaborating devices, capable of sensing and controlling physical elements and, often, responding to humans. Designing and managing systems able to respond to different, concurrent requirements during operation is not straightforward, and introduce the need of proper support at design-time and run-time. The Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments (CERBERO) EU project has developed a design environment for adaptive CPS. CERBERO approach leverages on model-based methodologies including different technologies and tools developed to cover design and operation from user interactions down to low level computing layer implementation.
