Conference paper

Data-guided repair of selection statements


Database-centric programs form the backbone of many enterprise systems. Fixing defects in such programs takes much human effort due to the interplay between imperative code and database-centric logic. This paper presents a novel data-driven approach for automated fixing of bugs in the selection condition of database statements (e.g., WHERE clause of SELECT statements) - a common form of bugs in such programs. Our key observation is that in real-world data, there is information latent in the distribution of data that can be useful to repair selection conditions efficiently. Given a faulty database program and input data, only a part of which induces the defect, our novelty is in determining the correct behavior for the defect-inducing data by taking advantage of the information revealed by the rest of the data. We accomplish this by employing semi-supervised learning to predict the correct behavior for defect-inducing data and by patching up any inaccuracies in the prediction by a SAT-based combinatorial search. Next, we learn a compact decision tree for the correct behavior, including the correct behavior on the defect-inducing data. This tree suggests a plausible fix to the selection condition. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach on seven realworld examples.
