Dissociative Electron Capture of Diazoquinones: Matrix Isolation ESR Study
It is postulated that the electron beam exposure process of the AZ-type resists (those containing diazoquinones as the labile component) is initiated by dissociative electron capture producing a phenoxy radical anion and N2. Na atoms and model diazoquinone molecules, l-oxo-2-diazonaphthoquinone, 2-oxo-l-diazonaphthoquinone, and o-diazo-benzoquinone, were cocondensed in argon matrices, and the Na-to-diazoquinone electron transfer was induced by mild radiation (λ > 580 nm). ESR examination of the matrices revealed that the three diazoquinones all readily captured low-energy electrons and dissociated to yield the respective phenoxy anion radicals resulting from N2 cleavage as postulated. © 1993, American Chemical Society. All rights reserved.