Conference paper

Domain-aware service recommendation for service composition


Service compositions inherently require multiple services each with its domain-specific functionality. Therefore, how to mine matching patterns between services in relevant domains and compositions becomes crucial to service recommendation for composition. Existing methods usually overlook domain relevance and domain-specific matching patterns, which restrict the quality of recommendations. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to offer domain-aware service recommendation. First, a K Nearest Neighbor variant (vKNN) based on topic model Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is introduced to cluster services into semantically coherent domains. On top of service domain clustering results by vKNN, a probabilistic matching model Domain Router (DR) based on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) is developed for decomposing a requirement to relevant domains. Finally, a comprehensive Domain Topic Matching (DTM) model is built to mine relevant domain-specific matching patterns to facilitate service recommendation. Experiments on a largescale real-world dataset show that DTM not only gains significant improvement at precision rate but also enhances the diversity of results.
