Conference paper

Electric vehicle charging facility planning in Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Limited Company


Electric Vehicles (EV) are promoted world-wide as an effective approach to address gasoline consumption and transportation emission problems. In China, state-owned electric power companies are taking the lead in Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure area, in which the EV charging facility network construction is a key topic. This paper introduces a quantitative EV charging facility planning method. This method calculates EV charging demand distribution, and uses optimization techniques to calculate the optimal EV charging facility network. This method has been applied in Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau (PSB), which is a state-owned electric power company in China. By implementing this method, the costs and risk of Shenzhen PSB will be minimized and its charging facility management will be improved. Moreover, this work will play an exemplary role to peer companies and the public. © 2012 IEEE.
