
Epitaxial, Silicon-Compatible CoSi2 Thin Film SQUID with Constriction-Type Junction


Transition metal silicides are widely used in integrated circuits as contacts and interconnect. CoSi2{CoSi_2} has superconducting Tc{T_c} of 1.4 K and lattice mismatch to Si of 1.2%, thus making it promising for integrating silicon technology into superconducting device fabrication. Here we demonstrate the growth of epitaxial CoSi2{CoSi_2} thin film on Si(111) substrate and the fabrication of a constriction-type superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) by silicidation of Co metal on the silicon substrate. The CoSi2{CoSi_2} -Si interface shows CoSi2 (111){CoSi_2} \ (111) // Si(111) epitaxy, with in-plane texture CoSi2 (100){CoSi_2} \ (100) // Si(111) and CoSi2 (110){CoSi_2 \ (110)} // Si(111). The fabricated SQUID has a superconducting loop area of 0.8 μm2, the oscillating critical current with the applied magnetic field typical for SQUID is observed with φ0{φ_0} = 1.3 mT. The junction resistance of constriction-type SQUID is calculated to be linear with device channel length.
