Conference paper

EVENTSUMMARIZER: A tool for summarizing large event sequences: [Demp Paper]


We present EVENTSUMMARIZER - a tool for extracting comprehensive summaries from large event sequences. EVENTSUM-MARIZER takes as input a sequence with events of different types that occur during an observation period, and creates a partitioning of this time period into contiguous non-overlapping intervals such that each interval can be described by a simple model. Within each interval local associations between events of different types are reported. EVENTSUM-MARIZER runs on top of any Relational DataBase Management System (RDBMS), on tables with a timestamp attribute. Our system is parameter free and has a visual interface that provides the user with a global view of the input sequence via the segmentation of the timeline. The easy-to-use interface provides the user with the option to further examine the activity and associations of event types within each segment. Copyright 2009 ACM.
