Interacting with Computers

In search of effective text input interfaces for off the desktop computing

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It is generally recognized that today's frontier of HCI research lies beyond the traditional desktop computers whose GUI interfaces were built on the foundation of display - pointing device - full keyboard. Many interface challenges arise without such a physical UI foundation. Text writing - ranging from entering URLs and search queries, filling forms, typing commands, to taking notes and writing emails and chat messages - is one of the hard problems awaiting for solutions in off-desktop computing. This paper summarizes and synthesizes a research program on this topic at the IBM Almaden Research Center. It analyzes various dimensions that constitute a good text input interface; briefly reviews related literature; discusses the evaluation methodology issues of text input; presents the major ideas and results of two systems, ATOMIK and SHARK; and points out current and future directions in the area from our current vantage point. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Interacting with Computers


