Dagstuhl Seminar 24061 2024

Knowledge-enhanced Representation Learning to Accelerate Scientific Discovery


Foundation models mark a significant advancement in AI, not just for natural language processing, but they also have a great potential to unlock scientific discoveries. This potential extends particularly to domains such as drug discovery, where these models can assist experts in, for example, identifying suitable drug small molecules from a large pool of candidates that may bind to protein targets causing disease. While scientific data is highly multimodal, many models have largely remained unimodal. Key challenges in representation learning include effectively utilizing multimodal information and achieving multimodal fusion. In this context, Research on Multimodal Knowledge Graphs (MKG) is finding increasing applications beyond language modeling and computer vision into the biomedical domain. KGs are often used to understand the underlying complexity of the underlying data and combine rich factual knowledge from heterogeneous sources. In a MKG, entities and attributes may convey information about their modality, with typical examples including text, protein sequences, SMILES, images, 3D structures, numerical and categorical values. As such, MKG can capture correspondences between multimodal entities and attributes through labeled relations. Recent approaches such as OtterKnowledge use Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for learning representations from MKGs. Otter Knowledge leverages existent encoders (single modal foundation models) to compute initial embeddings for each modality, and learns how to transform or fuse different modalities based on the rich neighborhood information for each entity. During inference, these knowledge-enhanced pre-trained representations are applied to downstream tasks, such as predicting binding affinity between protein and molecules. Essentially, this system aligns the representation spaces of an arbitrary number of unimodal representation learning models through a multi-task learning regime. The key for the multi-task learning involves building a MKG describing each of the entities (e.g., proteins, drugs, or diseases), how they interact with each other, and what their multimodal properties are (e.g., protein sequence, structure, functional annotations as gene ontology terms, or descriptions). There are many opportunities and challenges to advance life science discovery by democratizing vast human knowledge accumulated in human-curated multimodal sources, and incorporating that knowledge into AI-enriched multimodal models. Knowledge-graphs can serve as a powerful tool to integrate a broader range of heterogeneous data and modalities. In turn, knowledge-enhanced multimodal representations may improve foundation models for predictive downstream tasks and hypothesis generation in discovery domains, addressing the question of whether approaches like this can lead to success in real-life applications where single-modal methods fail to learn something new about the natural world.



Dagstuhl Seminar 24061 2024


