Measurement of pair interactions and 1.5 μm emission from Er3+ Ions in a C82 fullerene cage
Erbium ions encapsulated in the metallofullerene Er2@C82 emit near infrared fluorescence about 1.5 μm, typical for 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transitions of Er3+. The similarity of spectra measured in glassy and polycrystalline media at 1.6 K, and the very narrow inhomogeneous linewidth (< 1cm-1), show that the fullerene cage provides a locally ordered environment for the two erbium ions, well isolated from the host medium. Spectral fine-structure is observed with line splittings of ˜10cm-1. It is proposed that these splittings are dominated by exchange interaction between the two Er3+ ions involving a novel superexchange pathway through the C82 cage. © 1997 The American Physical Society.