
Multiclass Query Scheduling in Real-Time Database Systems


In recent years, a demand for real-time systems that can manipulate large amounts of shared data has led to the emergence of real-time database systems (RTDBS) as a research area. This paper focuses on the problem of scheduling queries in RTDBSs. We introduce and evaluate a new algorithm called Priority Adaptation Query Resource Scheduling (PAQRS) for handling both single class and multiclass query workloads. The performance objective of the algorithm is to minimize the number of missed deadlines, while at the same time ensuring that any dead line misses are scattered across the different classes according to an administratively-defined miss distribution. This objective is achieved by dynamically adapting the systems admission, memory allocation, and priority assignment policies according to its current resource configuration and workload characteristics. A series of experiments confirms that PAQRS is very effective for real-time query scheduling. © 1995 IEEE
