
On Protective Buffer Policies


We study buffering policies which provide different loss priorities to packets/cells, while preserving packet ordering (space priority disciplines). These policies are motivated by the possible presence, within the same connection, of packets with different loss probability requirements or guarantees, e.g., voice and video coders or rate control mechanisms. The main contribution of the paper is the identification and evaluation of buffering policies which preserve packet ordering and guarantee high priority packets performance (loss probability), irrespective of the traffic intensity and arrival patterns of low priority packets. Such policies are termed protective policies. The need for such policies arises from the difficulty to accurately characterize and size low priority traffic, which can generate large and unpredictable traffic variations over short periods of time. We review previously proposed buffer admission policies and determine if they satisfy such “protection” requirements. Furthermore, we also identify and design new policies, which for a given level of protection maximize low priority throughput. © 1994 IEEE
