Conference paper

Peer data exchange

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In this paper, we introduce and study a framework, called peer data exchange, for sharing and exchanging data between peers. This framework is a special case of a full-fledged peer data management system and a generalization of data exchange between a source schema and a target schema. The motivation behind peer data exchange is to model authority relationships between peers, where a source peer may contribute data to a target peer, specified using source-to-target constraints, and a target peer may use target-to-source constraints to restrict the data it is willing to receive, but cannot modify the data of the source peer. A fundamental algorithmic problem in this framework is that of deciding the existence of a solution: given a source instance and a target instance for a fixed peer data exchange setting, can the target instance be augmented in such a way that the source instance and the augmented target instance satisfy all constraints of the setting? We investigate the computational complexity of the problem for peer data exchange settings in which the constraints are given by tuple generating dependencies. We show that this problem is always in NP, and that it can be NP-complete even for "acyclic" peer data exchange settings. We also show that the data complexity of the certain answers of target conjunctive queries is in coNP, and that it can be coNP-complete even for "acyclic" peer data exchange settings. After this, we explore the boundary between tractability and intractability for the problem of deciding the existence of a solution. To this effect, we identify broad syntactic conditions on the constraints between the peers under which testing for solutions is solvable in polynomial time. These syntactic conditions include the important special case of peer data exchange in which the source-to-target constraints are arbitrary tuple generating dependencies, but the target-to-source constraints are local-as-view dependencies. Finally, we show that the syntactic conditions we identified are tight, in the sense that minimal relaxations of them lead to intractability. Copyright 2005 ACM.




