
Recommending Nearby Strangers Instantly Based on Similar Check-In Behaviors


Chatting with nearby interested strangers instantly in location-based mobile social network (LMSN) has become increasingly popular. Currently, friend recommendation relies only on the simple and limited user profiles, and is agnostic to users' offline behaviors in the real world. For the first time, we focus on utilizing the user's check-in behaviors in the real world, instead of the general acquaintance-based social circles, to instantly recommend nearby strangers to make friends. However, bridging nearby strangers with similar check-in behaviors instantly has some new characteristics, such as lack of common friends and interaction histories, temporal, spatial and user three-dimensional correlation, and sparseness of check-ins. Most existing work about friend recommendations mainly focuses on making friends within the acquaintance-based social circles, and has not fully considered these new characteristics mentioned above. Therefore, how to catch the ephemeral opportunity to recommend nearby interested strangers instantly remains a challenge. In this paper, we present to use 'Encounter' probability to measure the behavior similarity of two strangers in the real world based on their check-in histories. To address the sparseness challenge of check-in data, a Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)-based user check-in probability estimation method considering the spatiotemporal dimensions is proposed to estimate each user's check-in probability distribution with time at each spot. Finally, we use a large-scale user check-in dataset of Gowalla to validate the effectiveness of this approach. The experimental results show that our approach outperforms other commonly used similarity computation methods.
