
Slow Dynamics In Kda, Dkda, Kdp And Dkdp From Cr5+ Paramagnetic Resonance


We succeeded in substituting paramaznetic CrS+ (S = 1/4) ions for the same sized As5+ in KH2As04, and for Ps+ in KH2 PO4 and their isomorphs. The high-temperature spectra are axial about the c-axis of the crystals and change over to tilted orthorhombic spectra for K band at T* Tc + 110 K for KDA and DKDA and T* = T, + 60 K for KDP and DKDP. We deduce the existence of clusters with lifetimes T longer than 1.7 × 108 sec below T*. T depends mainly on T - Tc for deuterated and undeuterated crystals. © 1977, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. All rights reserved.
