Conference paper

Using lean six sigma techniques for the development of accessible learning activities


Over the past decade, there is a focus on developing technology that is accessible to people with and without disabilities alike. This need is particularly important in domains such as education and training as evidenced by the existence of federal guidelines codifying most requirements. Education and training processes, typically decentralized and requiring extensive customization includes content design, development and delivery. The multiple development processes in use and the different modes of delivery (face-to-face, on-line education and/or a blended learning) itself adds significant complexity of processes required for achieving and verifying learning accessibility. This paper discusses a lean six sigma (LSS) methodology to improve the process of design, development and delivery of accessible learning activities within a large globally integrated enterprise. Using LSS and analytical techniques, opportunities to standardize the development of learning activities are identified. This paper presents the results from this LSS initiative, and critiques the applicability of the LSS methodology in the service/technology domain.
