Journal of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan

“Web Site Visualization by Hierarchical Data Visualization Technique “Data Jewelry Box””

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There are many hierarchical data in daily lives, such as file systems, human resources of companies, and web sites. We have proposed new visualization method for hierarchical data, “Data Jewelry Box” algorithm, which displays overviews of huge hierarchical data in one window. This paper presents the overview of “Data Jewelry Box” algorithm, and proposes a web site visualization tool using the algorithm. Our tool constructs directory-based hierarchical data of a web site, and represents its sitemap by “Data Jewelry Box” algorithm. The tool represents web pages as icons, and directories as nested rectangles. Importing web access log file, our tool automatically builds access statistics bar charts in addition to the web sitemap. Our tool provides a user interface which displays number of accesses onto a sitemap when user clicks a part of bar chats. This paper shows interesting access trends discovered by using our tool. © 2003, The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.