High performance 45-nm SOI technology with enhanced strain, porous low-k BEOL, and immersion lithographyS. NarasimhaK. Onishiet al.2006IEDM 2006
High performance 65 nm SOI technology with enhanced transistor strain and advanced-low-K BEOLW.-H. LeeA. Waiteet al.2005IEDM 2005
High performance 32nm SOI CMOS with high-k/metal gate and 0.149μm 2 SRAM and ultra low-k back end with eleven levels of copperB. GreeneQ. Lianget al.2009VLSI Technology 2009
High performance 65 nm SOI technology with dual stress liner and low capacitance SRAM cellE. LeobandungH. Nayakamaet al.2005VLSI Technology 2005