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10 results for
Michel X. Goemans- Lisa Fleischer
- Michel X. Goemans
- et al.
- 2006
- SODA 2006
- Harold N. Gabow
- Michel X. Goemans
- et al.
- 1998
- Mathematical Programming, Series B
- Michel X. Goemans
- David P. Williamson
- 1998
- Combinatorica
- Michel X. Goemans
- David P. Williamson
- 1995
- Journal of the ACM (JACM)
- Michel X. Goemans
- David P. Williamson
- 2004
- Journal of Computer and System Sciences
- Michel X. Goemans
- David P. Williamson
- 2000
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
- Michel X. Goemans
- Joel M. Wein
- et al.
- 2000
- Operations Research Letters
- Fabián A. Chudak
- Michel X. Goemans
- et al.
- 1998
- Operations Research Letters
- David P. Williamson
- Michel X. Goemans
- 1996
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- David P. Williamson
- Michel X. Goemans
- et al.
- 1995
- Combinatorica