On the design of black-box adversarial examples by leveraging gradient-free optimization and operator splitting methodPu ZhaoSijia Liuet al.2019ICCV 2019
Protecting neural networks with hierarchical random switching: Towards better robustness-accuracy trade-off for stochastic defensesXiao WangSiyue Wanget al.2019IJCAI 2019
Topology attack and defense for graph neural networks: An optimization perspectiveKaidi XuHongge Chenet al.2019IJCAI 2019
ADMM attack: An enhanced adversarial attack for deep neural networks with undetectable distortionsPu ZhaoKaidi Xuet al.2019ASP-DAC 2019
An ADMM-based universal framework for adversarial attacks on deep neural networksPu ZhaoYanzhi Wanget al.2018MM 2018