Statistical measurement of random telegraph noise and its impact in scaled-down high-κ/metal-gate MOSFETsH. MikiN. Tegaet al.2012IEDM 2012
Hysteretic drain-current behavior due to random telegraph noise in scaled-down FETs with high-κ/metal-gate stacksHiroshi MikiNaoki Tegaet al.2010IEDM 2010
Reduction of random telegraph noise in high-κ / metal-gate stacks for 22 nm generation FETsN. TegaH. Mikiet al.2009IEDM 2009
Understanding short-term BTI behavior through comprehensive observation of gate-voltage dependence of RTN in highly scaled high-κ / metal-gate pFETsHiroshi MikiM. Yamaokaet al.2011VLSI Technology 2011
Increasing threshold voltage variation due to random telegraph noise in FETs as gate lengths scale to 20 nmN. TegaH. Mikiet al.2009VLSI Technology 2009