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6 results for
Roger Wattenhofer- Raphael Eidenbenz
- Thomas Locher
- et al.
- 2011
- INFOCOM 2011
- Johannes Schneider
- Michael Elkin
- et al.
- 2013
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Raphael Eidenbenz
- Yvonne Anne Pignolet
- et al.
- 2012
- International Game Theory Review
- Thomas Locher
- Stefan Schmid
- et al.
- 2011
- Fundamenta Informaticae
- Yvonne Anne Pignolet
- Stefan Schmid
- et al.
- 2010
- Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
- Olga Goussevskaia
- Yvonne-Anne Pignolet
- et al.
- 2009
- Foundations and Trends in Networking