Xiaodong Cui


Xiaodong Cui


Principal Research Scientist


IBM Research - Yorktown Heights Yorktown Heights, NY USA


I am a principal research scientist in the speech department of the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center.  My research interests include automatic speech recognition, multi-lingual speech-to-speech translation, digital speech processing, statistical signal processing, machine learning and pattern recognition. Most recently, I have been working on deep learning in speech applications.

I received my B.S. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, M.S. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and Ph.D degree from University of California, Los Angeles, all in electrical engineering. 


  • DARPA Transtac project for multi-lingual speech-to-speech translation
  • IARPA Babel project for spoken term detection
  • Unsupervised Learning Techniques for Large Unlabeled Data for Speech
  • E2E Learning for Speech Recognition and Synthesis
  • Fast and accurate speech recognition for customer care
  • Distrbuted acoustic modeling for automatic speech recognition
  • High performance deep neural network acoustic modeling

Adjunct Professor,  Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University

Professional Services

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Letters  (2021 - present)
  • Associate Editor, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing  (2016 - 2020)
  • Member of IEEE Speech and Language Technical Committee (SLTC) (2018 - present)
  • Co-technical chair of IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT) 2021.
  • Area Chair of NeurIPS (2020, 2021,2022) and ICLR (2021,2022,2023).



Top collaborators

Pin-Yu Chen

Pin-Yu Chen

Principal Research Scientist; Chief Scientist, RPI-IBM AI Research Collaboration
Brian Kingsbury

Brian Kingsbury

Distinguished research scientist and manager, speech technologies
Marina Danilevsky

Marina Danilevsky

Senior Research Scientist, Manager - core language and conversational technologies