
Bis(ethylene)gold(0) and bis(propylene)gold(0) complexes: Gold nuclear hyperfine and quadrupole coupling tensors


Electron spin resonance spectra of bis(ethylene)gold(0) and bis(propylene)gold(0) complexes generated in argon matrices have anomalous hyperfine splitting patterns (quartets with a smaller inner spacing, and a doublet pattern). The anomaly is shown to arise from a 197Au nuclear quadrupole coupling tensor of extreme asymmetry. The g tensor and the 197Au hyperfine and quadrupole coupling tensors of bis(ethylene)gold(0) were determined as follows: gz = 2.1791 (6), gx = 1.9833 (6), gy = 1.8498 (6); Az = -98 (3), Ax = -55 (3), Ay = -114 (3) MHz; and Pz = -93 (20), Px = -3 (1), Py = +96 (20) MHz. The corresponding parameters of bis(propylene)gold(0) were also determined. © 1988 American Chemical Society.
