
BSNet: A network-based framework for service-oriented business ecosystem management


As enterprises turning to SOA, services-oriented business ecosystem (SOBE) has become an important pattern for the organization and management of the massive business services. At the same time, the emergence of Internet of Services (IOS) provides a business model in which service vendors and consumers can interact with each other via the Internet. This paradigm makes it possible that the services in SOBE are managed in an autonomous and coordinated manner. The challenge here is to organize these massive business services, coordinate, and federate them to achieve the benefits of SOA. To address these challenges, this paper presents BSNet, a framework on the basis of the service correlation networks to manage the SOBE. The model consists of a who-what-how service correlation network that captures the various relations in SOBE. Finally, a prototype system is developed, and a simulated case study is provided to show the expanded value of our network-based framework. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
