Conference paper

Conversational Bootstrapping and Other Tricks of a Concierge Robot


We describe the effective use of online learning to enhance the conversational capabilities of a concierge robot that we have been developing over the last two years. The robot was designed to interact naturally with visitors and uses a speech recognition system in conjunction with a natural language classifier. The online learning component monitors interactions and collects explicit and implicit user feedback from a conversation and feeds it back to the classifier in the form of new class instances and adjusted threshold values for triggering the classes. In addition, it enables a trusted master to teach it new question-answer pairs via question-answer paraphrasing, and solicits help with maintaining question-answer-class relationships when needed, obviating the need for explicit programming. The system has been completely implemented and demonstrated using the SoftBank Robotics humanoid robots Pepper and NAO, and the telepresence robot known as Double from Double Robotics.
