
Design and exploitation of a high-performance SIMD floating-point unit for Blue Gene/L


We describe the design of a dual-issue single-instruction, multiple-data-like (SIMD-like) extension of the IBM PowerPC® 440 floating-point unit (FPU) core and the compiler and algorithmic techniques to exploit it. This extended FPU is targeted at both the IBM massively parallel Blue Gene®/L machine and the more pervasive embedded platforms. We discuss the hardware and software codesign that was essential in order to fully realize the performance benefits of the FPU when constrained by the memory bandwidth limitations and high penalties for misaligned data access imposed by the memory hierarchy on a Blue Gene/L node. Using both hand-optimized and compiled code for key linear algebraic kernels, we validate the architectural design choices, evaluate the success of the compiler, and quantify the effectiveness of the novel algorithm design techniques. Our measurements show that the combination of algorithm, compiler, and hardware delivers a significant fraction of peak floating-point performance for compute-bound-kernels, such as matrix multiplication, and delivers a significant fraction of peak memory bandwidth for memory-bound kernels, such as DAXPY, while remaining largely insensitive to data alignment. © Copyright 2005 by International Business Machines Corporation.
