Conference paper

Dynamic service migration in mobile edge-clouds


We study the dynamic service migration problem in mobile edge-clouds that host cloud-based services at the network edge. This offers the benefits of reduction in network overhead and latency but requires service migrations as user locations change over time. It is challenging to make these decisions in an optimal manner because of the uncertainty in node mobility as well as possible non-linearity of the migration and transmission costs. In this paper, we formulate a sequential decision making problem for service migration using the framework of Markov Decision Process (MDP). Our formulation captures general cost models and provides a mathematical framework to design optimal service migration policies. In order to overcome the complexity associated with computing the optimal policy, we approximate the underlying state space by the distance between the user and service locations. We show that the resulting MDP is exact for uniform one-dimensional mobility while it provides a close approximation for uniform two-dimensional mobility with a constant additive error term. We also propose a new algorithm and a numerical technique for computing the optimal solution which is significantly faster in computation than traditional methods based on value or policy iteration. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by simulation using real-world mobility traces of taxis in San Francisco.
