
High-resolution strain mapping in heteroepitaxial thin-film features


Heteroepitaxial thin-film features that are lattice matched to the underlying substrate undergo elastic relaxation at the free edges of the feature. To characterize the degree of elastic relaxation, we employed synchrotron-based x-ray diffraction techniques to map the change in lattice spacing in the thin film at a submicron resolution. Measurements were conducted on 0.24-μm thick, heteroepitaxially grown SiGe strips of various widths on Si (001). A comparison of the SiGe diffraction peak positions across the features provides a real-space mapping of the extent of elastic relaxation as a function of linewidth. The resultant in-plane normal film stress measurements were compared to calculated values from several elastic mechanical models to assess their validity in predicting stress distributions within the features. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
