
Integrated microarchitectural floorplanning and run-time controller for inductive noise mitigation


In this article, we propose a design methodology using two complementary techniques to address highfrequency inductive noise in the early design phase of a microprocessor. First, we propose a noise-aware floorplanning technique that uses microarchitectural profile information to create noise-aware floorplans. Second, we present the design of a dynamic inductive-noise controlling mechanism at the microarchitectural level, which limits the on-die current demand within predefined bounds, regardless of the native power and current characteristics of running applications. By dynamically monitoring the access patterns ofmicroarchitectural modules, our mechanism can effectively limit simultaneous switching activity of close-by modules, thereby leveling voltage ringing at local power-pins. Compared to prior aRt, Our Di/Dt Alleviation Technique Is The First That Takes The Processor's Floorplan, As Well As Its Power-Pin Distribution, Into Account To Provide A Finer-Grained Control With Minimal Performance Degradation. Based On The Evaluation Results Using 2D Floorplans, We Show That Our Techniques Can Significantly Improve Inductive Noise Induced By Current Demand Variation And Reduce The Average Current Variability By Up To 7 Times, With An Average Performance Overhead Of 4.0%. In Addition, Our Floorplan Reduces The Noise Margin Violations Using Our Noise-Aware Floorplan By An Average Of 56.3% While Reducing The Decap Budget By 28%. © 2011 ACM.
