
Kepler: Project Update and Deep Dive


Join the Kepler update session to stay up to date with the latest advancements in Kepler, an innovative CNCF Sandbox power exporter designed for Kubernetes. Kepler simplifies the estimation of container power usage, while providing valuable insights into container energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and sustainability. During this session, we will dive into Kepler's progress over the past year, including enhancements in power modeling for bare-metal nodes, performance optimizations, and real-world examples that demonstrate Kepler's metrics for analyzing power consumption in AI-driven applications.

By attending this session, you will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of Kepler's complexities, but also have the opportunity to interact with the project's maintainers. Engage in discussions about the roadmap, contribute your ideas, and have your questions answered directly by the maintainers themselves.
