Physical Review Applied

Learning how to dynamically decouple by optimizing rotational gates

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Current quantum computers suffer from noise that stems from interactions between the quantum system that constitutes the quantum device and its environment. These interactions can be suppressed through dynamical decoupling to reduce computational errors. However, the performance of dynamical decoupling depends on the type of system-environment interactions that are present, which often lack an accurate model in quantum devices. We show that the performance of dynamical decoupling can be improved by optimizing its rotational gates to tailor them to the quantum hardware. We find that, compared to canonical decoupling sequences, such as CPMG, XY4, and UR6, the optimized dynamical decoupling sequences yield the best performance in suppressing noise in superconducting qubits. Our work thus enhances existing error suppression methods, which helps increase the circuit depth and result quality on noisy hardware.



Physical Review Applied

