
Optimized Selection of Reliable and Cost-Effective Safety-Critical System Architectures


We address the problem of synthesizing safety-critical embedded and cyber-physical system architectures to minimize a cost function while guaranteeing the desired reliability. We represent a system architecture as a configurable graph in which both the nodes (components) and edges (interconnections) may fail. We then propose a compact analytical formalism to efficiently reason about the reliability of the overall system based on the failure probabilities of the components, and provide expressions of the design constraints that avoid exhaustive enumeration of failure cases on all possible graph configurations. Based on these constraints, we cast the synthesis problem as an optimization problem and propose monolithic and iterative optimization schemes to decrease the problem complexity. We implement the proposed algorithms in the ArchEx framework, leveraging a pattern-based specification language to facilitate problem formulation. Design problems from aircraft electric power distribution networks and reconfigurable industrial manufacturing systems illustrate the effectiveness of our approach.
