
Phase diagram of the vortex-solid phase in Y-Ba-Cu-O crystals: A crossover from single-vortex (1D) to collective (3D) pinning regimes


We construct a phase diagram of the vortex-solid phase of Y-Ba-Cu-O single crystals by making a first overall connection of the shape of the magnetic hysteresis M(H,T) with the single-vortex (1D) and collective (3D) pinning regimes. The crossovers between different regimes are visualized by drawing contours of constant critical current density Jc in the H-T plane. We identify the transition from 1D to 3D pinning, and from the nonlocal into a local behavior of vortex bundles in the collective pinning regime. A direct correlation between the shape of M(H) and the field-dependent thermal relaxation rate is demonstrated. We also identify a signature of the thermal softening boundary at which thermal fluctuations on the scale of the coherence length are relevant. © 1992 The American Physical Society.
