WiSec 2014
Conference paper

Practical privacy-preserving location-sharing based services with aggregate statistics

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Location-sharing-based services (LSBSs) allow users to share their location with their friends in a sporadic manner. In currently deployed LSBSs users must disclose their location to the service provider in order to share it with their friends. This default disclosure of location data introduces privacy risks. We define the security properties that a privacy-preserving LSBS should fulfill and propose two constructions. First, a construction based on identity based broadcast encryption (IBBE) in which the service provider does not learn the user's location, but learns which other users are allowed to receive a location update. Second, a construction based on anonymous IBBE in which the service provider does not learn the latter either. As advantages with respect to previous work, in our schemes the LSBS provider does not need to perform any operations to compute the reply to a location data request, but only needs to forward IBBE ciphertexts to the receivers. We implement both constructions and present a performance analysis that shows their practicality. Furthermore, we extend our schemes such that the service provider, performing some verification work, is able to collect privacy-preserving aggregate statistics on the locations users share with each other. © 2014 ACM.



WiSec 2014

