
Regulated Ac Power For Josephson Interferometer Latching Logic Circuits


We have developed an ac power distribution scheme which provides switched regulated power of alternating polarity (no rectification necessary) for Josephson interferometer latching logic circuits. Distribution from the power source relies on a tree system of thin film transformers having single primaries and multiple secondaries to maintain low current levels and small phase skews throughout the system. Power signals are clipped on chip to the desired voltage supply level by series connected large area Josephson junctions (“regulator” junctions) and distributed across the chip by voltage busses. Supply resistors between the regulated voltage bus and the logic circuits define the operating current level. A detailed design is presented for a specific interferometer latching circuit family. We report experimental data on the two major components of the power system design-the regulators and the transformers. A series string of four regulator junctions provides a trapezoidal waveform of 11 mV amplitude at = 66% logic duty cycle (that portion of the machine cycle in which logic operations can be performed). Thin film transformers have their designed inductance (350 pH) and coupling coefficient (=90). © 1979 IEEE
