
Synchronous versus asynchronous operation of a packet switch with combined input and output queueing


A single-stage non-blocking N × N packet switch with combined input and output queueing is considere. The limited queueing at the output ports partially resolves output port contention. Overflow at the output queues is prevented by employment of a backpressure mechanism and additional queueing at the input ports. This paper investigates the performance of the switch under two different modes of operation: asynchronous and synchronous or slotted. For the purpose of comparison a switch model is developed. Assuming Poisson packet arrivals, several performance measures are obtained analytically. These include the distribution of the delay through the switch, the input queue length distribution, packet losses at the inputs in the case of finite input queues, and the maximum switch throughput. The results obtained demonstrate a slight performance advantage of asynchronous over synchronous operation. However, the maximum switch throughput is the same for both modes of operation. © 1992.
