Conference paper

The static security analysis in power system based on Spark Cloud Computing platform


This paper proposes a novel Map-Reduce based N-1 analysis (MRNA) algorithm for solving the static security analysis problem, which uses Spark Cloud Computing platform. First, the MRNA algorithm utilizes the Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) concept in Spark to generate the parallel equipment disconnection case enumeration vector. Second, DC power flow algorithm is embedded in the Map phase to calculate the active power of the network for every equipment disconnection state in the RDD. Third, the result of each Map task is reduced based on Hash algorithm in the Reduce phase. Fourth, the result of Reduce task is written into the Hadoop Distribute File System (HDFS) so as to judge whether the power flow in the network excesses its limits. Finally, numerical simulation results based on well-known benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MRNA algorithm.
