Conference paper

TrusTFS: An SGX-enabled Stackable File System Framework


—Data confidentiality in cloud services is commonly ensured by encrypting information before uploading it. However, this approach limits the use of content-aware functionalities, such as deduplication and compression. Although this issue has been addressed individually for some of these functionalities, no unified framework for building secure storage systems exists that can leverage such operations over encrypted data. We present TRUSTFS, a programmable and modular stackable file system framework for implementing secure content-aware storage functionalities over hardware-assisted trusted execution environments. This framework extends the original SAFEFS architecture to provide the isolated execution guarantees of Intel SGX. We demonstrate its usability by implementing an SGX-enabled stackable file system prototype while a preliminary evaluation shows that it incurs reasonable performance overhead when compared to conventional storage systems. Finally, we highlight open research challenges that must be further pursued in order for TRUSTFS to be fully adequate for building production-ready secure storage solutions.
