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10 results for
A.W. Kleyn- A.W. Kleyn
- A.C. Luntz
- et al.
- 1981
- Physical Review Letters
- Bart Berenbak
- Bernd Riedmüller
- et al.
- 2001
- PhysChemComm
- Bart Berenbak
- Bernd Riedmüller
- et al.
- 2000
- Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
- C.T. Rettner
- D.J. Auerbach
- et al.
- 1996
- Journal of Physical Chemistry
- A.W. Kleyn
- A.C. Luntz
- et al.
- 1985
- Surface Science
- J.A. Barker
- A.W. Kleyn
- et al.
- 1983
- Chemical Physics Letters
- A.C. Luntz
- A.W. Kleyn
- et al.
- 1983
- Vacuum
- A.W. Kleyn
- A.C. Luntz
- et al.
- 1982
- Surface Science
- A.C. Luntz
- A.W. Kleyn
- et al.
- 1982
- Physical Review B
- A.C. Luntz
- A.W. Kleyn
- et al.
- 1982
- The Journal of Chemical Physics