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- Ephraim Feig
- Shmuel Winograd
- 1992
- 1990
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- 1990
- IEEE Transactions on Communications
- 1989
- IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
- 1989
- International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
- Ephraim Feig
- Fred Greenleaf
- 1985
- Applied Optics
- 1984
- Advances in Applied Mathematics
- Ephraim Feig
- Shmuel Winograd
- 1984
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications
- 1984
- Advances in Applied Mathematics
- Louis Auslander
- Ephraim Feig
- et al.
- 1983
- IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing