ReputationNet: A reputation engine to enhance ServiceMap by recommending trusted servicesJinhui YaoWei Tanet al.2012SCC 2012
ServiceMap: Providing map and GPS assistance to service composition in bioinformaticsWei TanJia Zhanget al.2011SCC 2011
Recommend-as-you-go: A novel approach supporting services-oriented scientific workflow reuseJia ZhangWei Tanet al.2011SCC 2011
Providing map and GPS assistance to service composition in bioinformaticsWei TanJia Zhanget al.2011SCC 2011
A reference model for master of science program in services computingLiang-Jie ZhangZhixiong Chenet al.2010SERVICES 2010
Architecture-driven variation analysis for designing cloud applicationsLiang-Jie ZhangJia Zhang2009ICCCBDA 2009
Componentization of Business Process layer in the SOA Reference ArchitectureLiang-Jie ZhangJia Zhang2009SCC 2009
Design of service component layer in SOA reference architectureLiang-Jie ZhangJia Zhang2009COMPSAC 2009
Design and delivery practices of the summer school on services computingLiang-Jie ZhangJia Zhanget al.2008SERVICES 2008
A method and case study of designing presentation module in an SOA-based solution using configurable Architectural Building Blocks (ABBs)Liang-Jie ZhangJia Zhanget al.2008SCC 2008