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23 results for
D.J. Defrees- D. Talbi
- D.J. Defrees
- et al.
- 1991
- ApJ
- 1991
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Eric Herbst
- D.J. DeFrees
- et al.
- 1991
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Sheldon Green
- D.J. DeFrees
- et al.
- 1991
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- 1989
- Chemical Physics Letters
- Eric Herbst
- G. Winnewisser
- et al.
- 1989
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- Amedeo Palma
- Sheldon Green
- et al.
- 1988
- The Journal of Chemical Physics
- D.J. DeFrees
- P.R. Bunker
- et al.
- 1987
- Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy
- 1986
- Chemical Physics Letters
- 1986
- Journal of Computational Chemistry