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- Ph. Lambin
- J.P. Vigneron
- et al.
- 1986
- Physical Review Letters
- Th. Laloyaux
- A.A. Lucas
- et al.
- 2011
- Journal of Microscopy
- A.A. Lucas
- H. Morawitz
- et al.
- 1988
- Physical Review B
- A.A. Lucas
- H. Morawitz
- et al.
- 1988
- Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films
- A.A. Lucas
- H. Morawitz
- et al.
- 1988
- Solid State Communications
- F. Herman
- Ph. Lambin
- et al.
- 1985
- Journal of Applied Physics
- F. Herman
- Ph. Lambin
- et al.
- 1985
- Physical Review B
- N.H. March
- Ph. Lambin
- et al.
- 1984
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials