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12 results for
M.B. Maple- M.C. de Andrade
- R. Chau
- et al.
- 1998
- Physical Review Letters
- Z. Schlesinger
- Z. Fisk
- et al.
- 1993
- Physical Review Letters
- S.I. Woods
- A.S. Katz
- et al.
- 2002
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- S.I. Woods
- A.S. Katz
- et al.
- 2002
- Physical Review B - CMMP
- X. Obradors
- L. Paulius
- et al.
- 1993
- Physical Review B
- M.B. Maple
- Y. Dalichaouch
- et al.
- 1991
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
- M.W. McElfresh
- L. Rebelsky
- et al.
- 1990
- Journal of Applied Physics
- J.-S. Kang
- J.W. Allen
- et al.
- 1990
- Physical Review B
- Y. Dalichaouch
- M.B. Maple
- et al.
- 1990
- Physical Review B
- 1990
- Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter