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- Yosi Ben Asher
- Dimitry Giver
- et al.
- 2010
- Annual Haifa Experimental Systems Conference 2010
- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Daniel Citron
- et al.
- 2004
- IPDPS 2004
- Daniel Citron
- Gadi Haber
- et al.
- 2004
- EMSOFT 2004
- G. Haber
- M. Klausner
- et al.
- 2003
- CGO 2003
- Yosi Ben Asher
- Tomer Gal
- et al.
- 2011
- Automated Software Engineering
- Yosi Ben-Asher
- Daniel Citron
- et al.
- 2006
- International Journal of Embedded Systems
- 2004
- Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- 1996
- Journal of Systems and Software